Paramylodon harlani sloth brain endocast

This is an endocranial cast of the brain of Paramylodon harlani an extinct North American ground sloth.

Paramylodon is an extinct genus of ground sloth of the family Mylodontidae endemic to North America during the Pliocene through Pleistocene epochs, living from around ~4.9 Mya–12,000 years ago. Within the genus only two species are recognized: Paramylodon harlani, also known as Harlan's ground sloth. Paramylodon measured about 3 metres (9.8 ft) in length with a shoulder height of 1.8 meters and weighed as much as 1.5 metric tons.


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Paramylodon harlani sloth brain endocast 

6. 9x 3.9 x 3.6 inches
Item 1168 

Category: Replicas
Type: Brain Endocasts
Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Mammals


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Paramylodon harlani sloth brain endocast

Paramylodon harlani sloth brain endocast

Paramylodon harlani sloth brain endocast

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